Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Joshua Versus the Psycho Maid

It was just a matter of time.... truly.

Unlike his mother, Joshua didn't inherit the Hot Tempered trait and instead .... waited patiently until the opportune moment to strike.

That day was now upon us.

It was a Saturday, both parents were asleep in bed. Gareth because he'd finished his shift at HQ, Rhonda because she'd been up all night pacing and going to the bathroom every hour.

Alice was also having a lie-in, whilst Katie busied herself in the garden, picking out the prime fruits and vegetables that Gareth had so lovingly planted and maintained.

Picking at his measly breakfast of bread and jam, and silently seething at the fact that his favourite cereal was missing from the cupboards .... again .... Joshua then decided to go online and surf the 'net. He pounded the keys aggressively, his temper rising.

The door creaked open and in walked Timothy - psycho maid - bold as brass, giving the appearance that he owned the place. Joshua tried to ignore him, but he STILL hadn't forgiven this guy for stealing what should have been HIS birthday celebrations.

.... Timothy Selby.......... the object of Joshua's wrath and subsequent 'line of attack!'

Strengthening his resolve, he silently got up from the computer and watched the maid's movements. Then and only then did he decide to approach the guy, quickly and stealthily.

Tim was distracted momentarily, by the high pitched whine emanating from the dishwasher, so he didn't notice Joshua until he was standing right behind him.

He peered over his shoulder, both of them meeting each other - glare for glare.

'Don't even think about it kid,' Tim growled, his back stiffening, 'I've seen your type and I know exactly what you're going to do. Besides, I'm not in the mood.... o-kay?'

Joshua just stood there quietly, sizing this man up and down.

'I was just going to get some juice from the fridge,' Josh replied innocently, '.... if you don't mind.'

There was a pause, long enough for Timothy to take stock of Josh's intentions. Easing the tension from his shoulders.... he stepped aside.

'Fine then,' he snapped, 'but get a spurt on, I haven't got all day.... I've got work to do... cleaning up after you lot.'

Josh shrugged his shoulders and stepped forward.
Tim turned his back.

BIG mistake.

With arms akimbo, hands set into claw-like shapes and knees bent.....

... Joshua pounced.

Giving one hell of a rebel yell.... and scaring the pants of Timothy!!!!


Whilst Tim was still clutching his chest and gathering his breath, Joshua stood back, an evil grin on his face.

'There! That's what you get for ruining MY birthday party,' he declared, a warning tone in his voice, '.... and stealing food from OUR fridge..... So, I'd better watch out.... if I were you.'

Joshua definitely lived up to his Mean Spirited trait this time!!!!!!

Oh, revenge is a dish - best served .... cold!!!

****SIDE NOTE****

I just gotta love that 'Robin Hood' style outfit Joshua is wearing. It is too cuuuute. It was what he transitioned into and to begin with, I was too darned lazy to change him out of it. Besides, I think it is most becoming of him really.

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Ruby Broke Feels the Sting of Rhonda's Wrath

During Joshua's party (and well into the night too), one of the guests..... a certain Ruby Broke, decided to do a little guitar practice in the front garden (see, I told you it was a magnet for musicians).

Afterwards, she was accosted by Alice, who was enthralled by Ruby's enthusiasm and listened intently to every word Ruby uttered out of her lips.

In the meantime, Josh, who'd been napping, decided that the first day of his childhood.... he'd spend.... playing video games.

In his pyjamas!!!

Irritated due to her hormones going haywire, Rhonda decided to intervene.

'Just exactly what have you been telling my daughter?' she thundered.

Ruby pasted on her happiest, most joyful, welcoming smile she could muster.

'I was just telling Alice how I'd love to make it big.... like Mick Lassiter," Ruby replied, 'he's my hero!'


'I beg your pardon?'

'You heard me!!!! Absolute and utter bullcrap!'

Ruby could only stand and stare, horrified. Tears started welling in her eyes as she faced this angry harpy.

'At least Alice appreciated my music,' she spluttered, trying to keep her composure.

'THAT crap?' Rhonda snarled, 'I'd start taking music lessons if I were you.... you're worse than that last guy who came here.'

'That's not nice!'

'Yeah, well, I'm heavily pregnant, my husband's locked in the slammer ... again... and I've got two kids to raise. I have better things to worry about than a stupid piece of music!'

By now, the aura around these two women was sizzling with hatred as they both glared at each other.

In the family room, Joshua had stopped playing Jungle Creatures and was listening intently.

Just then, Katie arrived on the scene and Ruby, desperate for an ally, approached her.

'I'm not a bad person.... am I?' she asked, 'I mean... honestly.... my music doesn't suck THAT badly.... does it??'

Katie could only stand there speechless. What could she say with her employer throwing hateful daggers at her from across the kitchen.

'I think you'd better leave,' Katie said quietly, 'before she gets any madder. After all, she IS a reknowned Hot Head.'

With that, Ruby stormed out of the house.

Monday, 29 March 2010

In The Slammer ..... Again

It's way past midnight at the old abandoned warehouse. Gareth and his cronies have been plotting for the night, with a moderate success.

And now it's time to go home.Gareth's plan for the rest of the evening - seeing that his energy levels are still fairly high, he wants to do a spot of gardening.

but instead, he has a nasty surprise waiting for him, just outside the doors.
Yep.... a waiting cop car, ready to haul him to the slammer.... again.

'But I was just about to go home and weed my vegetable plot!' he pleads to the pretty young officer in the car.

'Yeah, right,' she replies haughtily, 'where've I heard THAT before? Heh, gardening at night.... you've been up to no good.... I can taste it.'

So, yeah.... after the celebrations of his son's transition, and a nice tidy haul for his boss.....
... Gareth ended up back in jail.

And this time, he went quietly, as if he'd been expecting them!!!!

Why can't this happen to Rhonda?
Because she's permanently pregnant and smart enough to know better!!!!

Gareth, in the meantime... is getting a name for himself..... and not a nice one at that anyway.


With his dedication towards keeping his crops from wilting, and fertilizing them well.... Gareth got a nice package through the post. An award for Maxing out the Gardening Skill!!!!!

Good for him!!!

As for that police officer, I'm guessing she's new to her job and keen on getting her promotions through.

But yeah, it DOES look VERY suspicious.... Gareth wanting to go home and tend his garden.

Hmmm, makes you wonder how he managed to have such fertile soil, when others have failed????

Joshua's Birthday Party .... For Real This Time!!!!

After my little - um- 'oversight', concerning little Joshua, I decided that the very next day, he should have his birthday party for real!!!So, without further ado, Rhonda decided to invite a few guests - including her kid brother Sherman too (can't have a party without SOME family being involved).

Katie was so totally exhausted from her duties that she ended up sleeping all day, and didn't get the chance to organise the buffet (not that Joshua minded, he was happy because this was HIS day).
It appears that Sherman and Rhonda still have a fairly strong brother/sister relationship, as Rhonda couldn't resist breaking the news about her pregnancy (as if he couldn't tell by the expanding belly!!!! LOL).

And Sherman just couldn't resist talking to the little nipper too.

So all's good with those two.

Rhonda's relationship with her mother Ma, was still in the deep red. Neither one has forgiven each other for whatever it was they'd argued about in the first place.
I'm guessing it's got something to do with Don Lothario......... but I could be wrong there.

Anyway, the sky darkened towards dusk as the guests arrived. Rhonda scooped little Joshua in her arms and leaned him towards the cake (making sure he didn't touch those flames), and helped him to blow them out.

Everybody gathered as the sparklies surrounded Joshua.

Wave bye bye to those stinky diapers and that ooh so cuuute ladybug tee shirt (although he DID look simply adorable in it!!!) kiddo, you're about to transition and gain more independence.

Then, without warning.... he leaped up into the air!!!!!

Before transitioning into the cutest, most solemn faced little boy I'd ever seen.

As he'd grown up so well (according to my game), I had the chance to pick his next trait.

I thought long and hard about it.
What would be fitting for this adorable little boy?

And then it struck me....


And that trait comes into play a lot sooner than I expected.

And you'll all find out in the next update............

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Rhonda's Pregnancy Hormones Go Into Overdrive

So, it's after the Maid's 'Surprise Party', and he's trying to make amends for his previous actions (and ingratiating himself in with the family too).

Firstly he sits down with Katie and has a nice chat, along with a bowl of cereal this time.

They sit chatting about something and nothing in particular, whilst Rhonda, now blossoming quite well, wanders around the house, trying to keep her active mind occupied.

At first, when Timothy bends down to load the dirty dishes into the dishwasher, she finds herself checking out his butt...

Mmmm.... niiiiice.........

But after a while, that novelty soon wears off, as she finds him constantly in her way, wherever she goes.

Her bladder is constantly full, thanks to the baby, and she makes a mad dash to the nearest bathroom...

....only to find him there, scrubbing the toilet.

Exactly HOW long are you going to be? she asks irritably, tapping her foot.

Not too long, came the reply, just making sure it's perfect and pristine for you.

Humph!! Too long in my opinion, just hurry up will you? I need to pee.... badly!!!!

Ooh, someone's testy today!

Yeah, just bugger off will you? Before you meet Mr Fist - he's itching to make contact with someone's face!

He WASN'T amused at all.

His 'fine butt' wasn't such a delectable treat as she glared daggers at him for ...

a) being there


b) for taking his damned time about it!!!!

Not only that, he helped himself to a shower - breaking it in the meantime - and stood there calmly brushing his teeth ....

.... with RHONDA'S toothbrush!!!!!

Her patience is starting to wear thin on this guy.
But for the fact that she's pregnant, and her hormones are haywire to begin with....
.... I'm pretty sure she wouldn't hesitate to throw the maid out on his ear!!!!!!

Or his butt!!!!

Instead, she sighed heavily and called out maintenance, who arrived within the hour and fixed the broken shower.