Saturday 21 November 2009

Gareth's First Day at Work

Wakey wakey sleepy head!

Actually, considering that Gareth is a couch potato, and would much prefer to slouch in front of the TV (sounds VERY familiar), he was up with the lark this morning.

Approximately about 5am.
You know sonny, you're going to be totally exhausted by the time you get home.

'Yeah well, I couldn't sleep....'


'Worrying about the faucet in the sink. I swear I heard it dripping.'

You checked it last night.

'Are you sure.'

Yep. I made you do it.

'Ah, ok.'

So, what you cooking for breakfast?

'Thought I'd try my luck at pancakes today.'

good luck

'I heard that!! Anyway, I saw the recipe in this old book I found lying about.'

Anyway, after a shaky start, and a ruined fry pan, Gareth managed to make himself some 'horrible quality' pancakes that he had to choke down.

He still had time to check everything before the car pool arrived, so he fussed about, making the beds, checking the sink, checking the oven, cleaning the counter tops....

'I'm just making sure that the place is nice for the maid service.'


That's their job.

'I didn't want them to think that I was living in a pig sty here.'

'Which reminds me, I'd better check to see if they're still booked to come in today.'

(please note, that does NOT happen in game. I added that little bit in, just to prove HOW neurotic this guy is)

One thing about Gareth, is that he's never late with the bills. As soon as they arrive, he's there, scribbling his name on some cheques and posting them.

The car pool arrived and he got in....
... and stared at the shifty looking driver.

'I've a feeling I've forgotten something.'

Um, no, everything's fine.

'You sure? Oven's okay? Faucet's not dripping.....'

Look, you wanted a life of crime? Now get your butt to work.

The car pulled up to a dilapidated looking building, with boarded up windows and peeling paint. It looked unoccupied, except for the faint sounds of evil laughter and the occasional chink of coins being counted.

With great difficulty, Gareth went inside.

In the meantime, the maid arrived. A pert looking female in a very becoming uniform. Pity I hadn't given Gareth the 'flirt' trait. He'd have been all over her like a bad rash.

All she could do was to clean the shower (something Gareth had overlooked) and went. That was it.

Well, several hours later, Gareth arrived home.

So, how was work?

'I want to change careers.'


'I don't like it.... I hate it in fact.'

It's your first day!

'Oh, BTW, I've suddenly decided, I want to do some gardening. And, as compensation for forcing me to stay at a job I hate.... ... I want a games console.'

*rolls eyes*

*sigh* O-kay. Anything to keep the peace.

So, Gareth managed to get himself a games console, to which he gleefully enjoyed playing.

And he managed to plant a few seeds he'd 'found' whilst he was out and about.

I won't ask how he came about them. Nor will I ask about the mirror I found tucked away in his 'family inventory'.

After all, one of his traits is kleptomaniac. So he just can't help himself.

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