Tuesday 4 May 2010


*** Warning, picture heavy***

Yep, it's that time again. Gratuitous baby pics.

You look mighty proud of your son there Gareth.

'Hell yeah, a Virtuoso and an Artist too, who'd have thought huh?'

My thoughts exactly.

'He's going to go places.... I can tell.'

This time of Gareth's youngest boy in the family..... Peter.

Isn't he simply adorable?

And you all thought Alice was cuuuute!!!!

Even when he's grouchy and hungry and needs sleep badly, you simply can't, and I mean CAN'T resist this little fella.

He's definitely a firm favourite with everyone.

Mom and Dad like to carry him around and snuggle him.

Especially around the garden too.

'Who's a cute little fella huh?'

Aww, nice to see Rhonda taking a more active part in Peter's little toddler life there.

'Who da man? Huh? Who da man?'

Uh, Gareth, I think you're scaring him there!

'Nah, he's loving it.... see, he's smiling.'

Remember the last time you heaved someone up in the air?

'Ah, yeah, good point. You know though, I have no idea what shampoo he uses, but his hair smells damned good!!!!'

'Want to look at the pretty mobile instead do ya?'

However, Joshua seems to think differently. Especially after he's been woken up by Peter having a nasty nightmare about being lonely.

'Can't you get that kid to sleep dad?'

'He's just teething son, and a little bit hungry, that's all.'

'Well, get him a different room, I'm sick of sharing and getting no sleep. Alice has her own room. Why can't he, or I for that matter?'

'We'll talk about it later, okay? I'm trying to get your brother settled down here.'

'I hate him.... I REALLY REALLY HATE that kid right now.'

*plots many ways of torturing kid brother*

Methinks there's going to be a lot of sibling rivalry as soon as Peter grows up here!!!

Not so much with Alice though. She seems more than a little concerned about her colicky, finicky little brother.

'I think he's way past his bed time dad.'

'I know, I was thinking that myself, pity he's so clingy lately.'

Do you think that Peter's cottoned onto Joshua's devious plans?

On another note, I'm pretty sure Gareth's a 'secret' Family man.
How so?
I caught him dreaming about toys the other day!!!!

'Mmm, building blocks.... niice.'

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