Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Karma ... Always Comes Back to Bite Ya in the Butt

Whilst Gareth is modelling his brand new boxers...
... and a body to die for

**wolf whistles**

Hey there beautiful!!!


You gotta admit, he's kinda growing on ya isn't he?

Yeah, like fungus.

Um, you said that... not me.

I'd like to pause and reflect upon the previous night and what happened....
... unless you'd like to share this with us all?

Nah, you tell it, I'm busy cooking here, can't let it burn this time...


Well, the story began with Gareth hearing about an eating contest at the diner. As it was hot dogs - his favourite food, he decided he'd have a go.

Sadly, before he had chance to step through the door, the contest was over and he left feeling exceptionally let down.

So, boredom got in the way.

And he decided to do a little....
... stealing.


This time it's a plant pot from outside the store.

'Ohh, niice......guess nobody's looking....'

Sadly, just as he reached down to grab it, someone walks out of the door

and plants him a hard glare.

It doesn't bother him in the slightest though, as he shoves it in his backpack, a satisfied smirk creeps over his face.

But now, this witness has a full identity of the perpetrator.

Later than night, when Gareth comes out of work.... the cops are waiting for him and he's bustled into the waiting car.

I guess his reputation precedes him (or that woman snitched on him)

As he's led to the slammer for a little 'cooling off' period, all he can think of is....

'Man, I LOVE this job!!! When's my next promotion???"

1 comment:

  1. Huahauaahua...
    I guess now he'll be more cautious when trying to steal something!
    Great Gareth!
