Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Alice's Toddler Album

Well, after the drama of the *ahem* 'accident' ...

Yeah.... riiiiiiiiiiight.... heard that one before....

It's now time to see Alice in full cuteness action.

So be prepared for a LOT of pics.....

Want a bottle? Here you go princess!!

Alice having a MEGA tantrum... just because she was over tired.

Mommy and Alice snuggling.(check out the stinky potty in the background LOL)

Aww, sooo cuuuuuute!!!!!

Time for bed!!!!!

Teddy's in there with you.... keep you company.

A kiss goodnight from Mommy. Sleep well.


Can you resist those eyes?

Cuteness to the MAX!!!!

Just nodding off.... Sweet dreams lil princess!!!

Up ya go!!!

Tickles from Daddy!!!

What a cute pic, Alice in Gareth's arms.... so safe... so comfortable...
Doesn't she look cute in her brand new pink dungarees and spotty tee shirt?

One step...... Two steps.... Three Steps.....

And the grouchy old grump smiled a BIG BIG smile!!!!

Urgh!!!! Tastes funny!!!

Planet? .... pla....net!!

Umm, Rhonda, I'm not sure that's the right thing to teach your daughter.....

Um.... o-kay....

Peek-a-boo!!! I see you.

Ohh, who's that out there? Is that.... Daddy?

Playing with 'Mr Horsey'.

I DID IT!!!!

YAY ME!!!!

And that concludes possibly, the first part of Alice's Toddler Album. If I find more pics, I'll be sure to add them later on.

1 comment:

  1. Awwwwwwwwww.... I just noticed that she had her father's eyes! Lovely!
    And I really thought that pic of her inside the toy box just too sweet!!!
    Btw, one of the things that I'm loving most playing in TS is having babies, too much work, but so lovely!
