Tuesday 20 April 2010

Ah, 'Young Love'


Alice, Joshua and Rhonda weren't the only ones that Gareth lavished attention on.

Since his trip to China to deliver that 'mysterious package', he's already feeling a great burden lifting from his shoulders. Plus, after his constant brushes with the law, he decided that life's too short to pass opportunities by.

So, one day he decided to catch Rhonda unawares firstly in the kitchen, then in the bathroom.... and lavished a lot of attention on her.

Peter had settled down quite nicely after his routine of fuss, feed, burp and play, and Rhonda was feeling a lot more relaxed, now that the maid had gone.

She'd been sitting trying to concentrate on the cooking channel, in a rare moment of peace and quiet. She felt as though she was starting to seriously suck as a parent, and wanted to try something different.

Like trying to cook a splendid meal for the whole family.

Katie was an excellent cook, but she was getting on in years, and wouldn't be around much longer. Also, Rhonda felt that she was already putting too much responsibility on this lovely old lady's shoulders. So she gave her the day off to go shopping.

But sadly, whilst Rhonda was watching the top chef bragging about his 'exquisitely complicated signature dish' Rhonda felt that it was making her feel hungry, so she wandered into the kitchen, where Gareth lay in wait.

He'd actually been trying to fix the dishwasher (holds breath).

Hey beautiful.

You talking to me? Yeah, come here my lovely.

*sigh* can't you see I've... you know... gotta go?

I just wanted to tell you I love ya... that's all.


She was surprised that he'd actually acknowledged her existence. Usually, their routine comprised of getting up, fussing the kids, bathing, going to work, coming home and crashing out exhausted.

You still... love me?

Hell, yeah. Give us a hug will ya?

Even after all this time? And three kids too?

Of course!!!!

Um, what about the kids?

They'll be fine, Katie has it under control.

Um, o-kay then.

Firstly, unsure of how she'd react (being so volatile of late), he offered her a shy smile.

You know, you're still beautiful to me.

Are you... teasing me?

Um... yeah!

Rhonda, taken by surprise, smiled back. Flattered by his unexpected comments.

Aww Gareth, thank you, you're pretty sweet yourself.

Give me a kiss.

Do you have to ask?

Well.... not re.....
She didn't give him the chance to finish the sentence as she laid a good strong kiss on his lips. They melted into each other's arms.

He tentatively reached out and stroked her cheek.

Sooo beautiful.

She reciprocated by closing her eyes and leaning into his hand.

Mmmmm, niiice.

By now, these two were like a pair of starstruck teenagers. Kissing and hugging and stuff, and renewing their relationship.It was so sweet really.

Rubbing her back and stuff.

Then things got a little too hot 'n' heavy.

Want to finish this off.... elsewhere?

Any suggestions?

He waggled his eyebrows suggestively.

I know of ONE place!

And that's when they suddenly made a bolt for the bedroom!!!!!

We shall leave them there to .... um... their own devices....

Heck, we're not ALL voyeurs you know!!!!

Speak for yourself!!! PERVERTS!!!!!

Goodnight Gareth, sleep well!!!!


You've probably noticed that Rhonda had a change of clothing halfway through this update. That's because there were TWO incidents of the two of them together. And rather than bore you with two separate updates, I merged them into one.

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