Monday 26 April 2010

Peter's Birthday


Yep, it's time again, for another birthday, this time it's little Peter.
With just a handful of close family, they decided to celebrate together (and hopefully this will be the last baby for this growing family).

Rhonda tucked Peter into the crook of her arm and took him to the cake.

In a rare moment, we saw Joshua actually SMILING!!!!

Quick!!! Take a picture!!
Oh yeah, we already did whoops!!!!

But big sis Alice looked glum. Perhaps she's starting to wonder about her teens?

Or the fact that ANOTHER toddler will be chewing the heads off the dolls in the doll house!!!!!

Out came the 'tooters' and party favours, as Rhonda helped Peter to blow out the candles.

Setting him down on the cold stone floor, they waited, eagerly, expectantly.

And with a whoosh of sparkles!!!!

Baby Peter became TODDLER Peter!!!

Along with a trail of stinky poo.

Apparently, because of the transition taking so long, nobody had bothered to change him beforehand and he'd soiled himself mid-transition!!!!

He wasn't a happy bunny, I can tell you.

But isn't he a cutie though? Yeah, I know the other kids are great looking, but Peter just ices the cake for me.

Clearly distressed, Katie scoops him up in mid howl, and manages to placate this little cutie, before taking him away to be changed. (pity they don't have the 'bathe' option any more)

I really don't know what she did .. or said to him, but as you can see, he soon got over his tantrum. I swear, that nanny is magical!!!!

His traits are (you'll be happy to know) Artistic and Virtuoso - NONE from either parent!!! I'm suspecting the milkman or the postman.... or heaven forbid... the MAID!!!!!!

At least he's not EVIL!!! We don't need another one of those in the house.

Gareth in the meantime, is NOW starting to feel his age and his neurotic trait is beginning to show through!! Bless him.

Could this be that it's his birthday just around the corner? Or that he is worried that Rhonda might be pregnant again?

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