Thursday 15 April 2010


What's this?

A police car lurking outside the warehouse?
I wonder who they're lying in wait for?

Since Rhonda's back from maternity leave, she's also on the police 'hit list'.

So.... the plot thickens as a shadowy figure emerges from the security sealed doors.

And it's....

It's Gareth.


And it's the same police woman who arrested him the last time too.


Must be a slow day at the police station.

He simply couldn't resist............

Hello toots.... did you miss me?

Just get in the car will you?

Ohh, a forceful woman.... I LIKE that.

Look, enough of your lip Gareth....

... on a first name basis, we HAVE progressed from the last time.

Look, I don't need this hassle, just get in the car will you?

Okay, as long as you get in with me.

If you're not careful, I'll add harassment to your list of felonies.

That's rich, coming from you. Exactly how long have you been sitting waiting here for me?

I'd rather not answer that one, thank you very much.

Oooh, I've been delegated to the front seat!!! I AM honoured!!!.

Yep, this is a familiar sight to Gareth..... the sturdy walls of the Police Station!!!!

And yep, he spends yet ANOTHER night in the slammer. This time playing dominoes with other inmates to pass the time.

Why is it always Gareth and never Rhonda?

I secretly think it's something to do with that Eye Candy reward. That police woman just can't resist him. And he simply can't resist teasing her about it either!!!!

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