Friday 23 April 2010

'All Hands On Deck!!'

Because of the sudden departure of the maid, it was the responsibility of Katie to 'keep house'. Alas, as the years were piling up, along with the chores, she was finding it more and more difficult.

Sooooo ........... being the 'good soul' that she is..... Alice decided to help out too. Although it DID tire her out, bless her little cotton socks.

Clearing dirty plates, even mopping up puddles after the dishwasher (once again) decided to spew out water all over the floor.

Gareth tinkered with it, managing to temporarily fix it once more.

Don't you think it's time for a replacement?
What for? This one's working just fine.
.... for now.... until the next time it breaks!
What do you mean 'the next time?' there's plenty of life in this rusty old thing yet!!!
*sigh* I. Give. In.

And little (well, not so little) Joshua, because of his disappointment at the Amateur Olympics tryouts.... decided to do a little 'work-out' of his own.

By the looks of things..... he WILL succeed in his endeavours as an athlete!!!
So maybe all those aspirations of being an Evil Overlord, were just a 'passing fancy'?

..... we hope ......

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