Friday 9 April 2010



Poor Nanny Katie. She's been having a hard time of it lately.
Firstly there was the incident in the bathroom.
She'd been so engrossed in tending Gareth's established garden, that she completely ignored her own needs.

And ended up peeing herself!!!!

Not only that, the Psycho Maid has gotten around to stalking her and muttering crude insults at her under his breath, hoping that her hearing wasn't so keen.

I can make better corners on these sheets than that lame-o.
And I noticed that she's ALWAYS loitering, watching, waiting..... Damn, can't get to the fridge because of HER.

At first, she ignored him, hoping that eventually he'd go away.
But alas, those insults got more and more elaborate........

..... until she finally lost it and confronted him once and for all.

It was just after she'd settled Peter into his crib after she'd fed him. The poor little nipper was the only witness to what happened next.

Katie turned to face Tim, flinging her arms up in the air and yelling at the top of her voice.

'I HAVE HAD ENOUGH!!!!' she yelled, making both the maid and little Peter jump, 'Don't think I haven't noticed, I've heard every snarky remark you managed to throw at me. I might be old, but I'm not deaf, nor am I senile either.'

Horrified, Tim stepped back, sputtering, at a total loss for words.

'HOLY CRAP WOMAN!!!! what's wrong with you?????'

'You've also been caught stealing food from our cupboards..... oh and trying to sneak peeks at us ladies ... you .... you.... PERVERT!'

'Oh yeah,' Tim finally replied, indignation replacing shock, 'I don't see YOU doing your job either... you old hag.'

Katie blanched, then flushed with anger.

'I shall ignore that last comment.' came the haughty reply.

She heard Peter whimpering a little, and was about to check on him but.....

'Well.....' Tim snorted,'......... try this on for size... you dirty bag of garbage!'

Katie looked horrified.

'You. WHAT?'

'You heard me.... you stinky old bag. Yeah.... I heard about your 'accident' in the bathroom...'

'How DARE you!'

Tim smirked, but it was short-lived as Katie glared at him.

'I think you should leave.' she said coldly.

'You can't fire me! Only the head of the house can do that!'

'As the 'head of the house' is currently indisposed, and his wife too.... that leaves ME in charge. Now LEAVE before I throw you out!'

'Hah, as if!!!!'

'Try me.'

He pondered awhile at this 'lioness' standing before him. She might have the appearance of being frail, but he judged correctly that if she wanted to, she could totally whup his ass!!!!

Picking at his sleeve and straightening up, he looked her directly in the eye.

'Well, I'd better pick up my wages now,' he said smartly, 'and leave this place. It's a pity it didnt' work out for us all.'

'Good, and don't slam the door on your way out!'

As he walked out of the shared bedroom, he smirked and cast a snotty remark over his shoulder.

'Oh just be careful of that weak bladder of yours now!!'

Then he left.

Katie fumed.

One way or another, she'd wanted him out, and she got her wish. It's a pity that he knew far too much of what went on in the house.

With both Rhonda and Gareth in the Criminal career, Psycho Maid could make it VERY uncomfortable. Especially if he tipped them off to the police.

A raid on the house is the last thing they all needed. Plus a visit from the Social Worker.

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