Thursday 8 April 2010

Joshua and Peter Get off to a Bad Start

Even though the place is big enough, Gareth and Rhonda felt it necessary for the two boys to share a bedroom.

Which was a novelty at first, but soon became a 'battle of wills' between Joshua and Peter.
After Joshua's transition, tomorrow would be his first day at school and he went to bed, excited, nervous and many other things.

He looks so angelic sleeping there, it's a shame to wake him .... really.

Dreaming of getting on the bus all by himself, (well, sort of, Alice would be there too) and walking along the vast courtyard towards the imposing red brick building that was called 'school'.

Meeting all his teachers, and making new friends......

Peter was showing signs of being unsettled, so Rhonda made a quiet fuss of him, trying her hardest not to wake Joshua up.

But, as soon as she lay Peter in his crib....

... he pooped his diaper....

... and started to scream the place down!!!!

Much to poor Joshua's disdain.

He shot out of bed and stood glaring at his mom and kid brother.
I can see the cogs and wheels of revenge, turning in this kids' head....
.. truly....

He managed to get more sleep, after Rhonda settled Peter down again.
But oh my, was he in a BAD mood for the rest of the day!!!!

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