Thursday 8 April 2010

Making Some 'Father' Time

Well, since Peter's arrival, Gareth felt as though he'd neglected his older kids.

Firstly, he took Alice to one side and taught her how to sing that rather annoying song that he learned whilst in Champs Le Sims.


Another one who is going to be singing in the bath/shower etc....

She picked it up in no time.


Then, later the next day, just before going to work, he decided to play catch with Joshua, out in the front garden.

Here you go son!

He throws the ball at Joshua, but clouts the poor kid in the ribs!!!

Hey! Watch it!!! You could have hurt me there!!

Sorry son, guess I don't know my own strength!

Hmm, was that truly an accident I wonder?

*scratches chin*

Then, just before the car pool turns up, he fusses over Peter before putting him back into his crib.

What a great dad huh?

Whilst Gareth was busy with Joshua, Alice decided to donate a whopping 1,000 Simoleans to a good cause.... the hungry.

Although it IS for a good cause, I'm pretty sure that Katie would NOT approve. After all, she's used to penny pinching.

And whilst Gareth was busy teaching Alice that tune, Joshua played with the doll house.

Now I wonder why this little fella's been nicknamed 'Spawn of Evil????'
He looks so sweet there.


Oh yeah....


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